The InnovPlantProtect (InPP) team was present at Rice Field Day, promoted by Centro Operativo e Tecnológico do Arroz – COTArroz, which took place on 7th October, at COTArroz facilities, in Salvaterra de Magos.
On this day, the research and innovation activities carried out by COTArroz were presented, emphasizing the Portuguese rice varieties already registered in Nacional Variety Catalogue. The session also included a presentation of trends and new markets in the national rice sector.
The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Maria do Céu Antunes, also participated on this day and highlighted the fundamental role of COTArroz in the development of the National Program for the Improvement of Rice Varieties, led by Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária – INIAV, IP, which contributes to strengthening the viability of the rice sector.

The director of department Cristina Azevedo and researchers Pedro Rosa, Rupesh Singh, and Tiago Amaro were present at Rice Field Day, which took place on 7th October.