InnovPlantProtect (InPP) collaborative laboratory (CoLab) was approved on July 27, 2018 by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, with the highest score, after evaluation by an international team, and legally constituted on January 24, 2019 as a private non-profit association.
It is an initiative of NOVA University of Lisbon, led by ITQB NOVA (Chemical and Biological Technology Institute) and research unit GREEN-IT, in cooperation with other NOVA research units (CTS – FCT NOVA, NOVA LINCS, FCT NOVA and MagiC NOVA IMS), with the following associates: INIAV – Agricultural and Veterinary Research National Institute, the Municipality of Elvas, Bayer Crop Science, Syngenta Crop Protection, Fertiprado, CEBAL – Alentejo’s Agricultural and Food & Agriculture Biotechnology Centre, ANPOC – National Association of Proteaginous, Oleaginous and Cereals Producers, ANPROMIS – National Association of Maize and Sorghum Producers, Casa do Arroz – Interprofessional Rice Association and FNOP – National Federation of Fruit and Vegetable Producers’ Organizations. These institutions created a private non-profit association responsible for the management of InPP.
With the growing knowledge of genomics and combining molecular techniques, monitoring and modeling of emerging pests and diseases, InnovPlantProtect aims to produce innovative solutions to provide targeted protection for specific crops. The solutions presented by InPP consist of the formulation of biopesticides and the development of new plants resistant to pests and diseases, thus allowing a substantial reduction in crop losses and an increase in productivity, always within a framework of environmental responsibility.
The impact of InPP will be observable in terms of the products it develops (new biopesticides and new resistant plants) and the services it provides (new methods of diagnosis and monitoring), as well as at the social and regional level, as it positions itself as a hub of investment attraction for the Alentejo region. In this way, it also drives the creation of qualified jobs and the densification of the interior of the country.
The installation of InnovPlantProtect in Elvas reinforces the construction of an innovation center aimed at the growth of Portuguese agriculture.
InnovPlantProtect is structured in five departments:
Project Sheet
Project title | Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources |
Project code | ALT20-05-3559-FSE-000036 |
Main goal | Strengthening research, technological development and innovation |
Region of intervention | Alentejo |
Beneficiary | InnovPlantProtect – Associação | Laboratório Colaborativo – CoLAB |
Approval date | 20-12-2019 |
Start date | 01-01-2020 |
Total eligible cost | 3 517 312,80 |
European Union financial support | ESF – 2 989 715,88 |
National / regional public financial support | SB – 527 596,92 |
Objectives, activities and expected results
InnovPlantProtect’s main objective is to develop innovative bio-based solutions to promote safer, smarter and more productive crops, resistant to climate change, and more environmentally friendly, specifically: new biopesticides against pests and diseases (of Mediterranean importance); new plant ideotypes; diagnosis and monitoring methods; risk models and pesticide application.
The impact of its activities will focus on the development of products and services (new biopesticides and resistant plants; new models and methods of diagnosis and monitoring), contributing specifically to environmental sustainability, densification of the territory, creation of qualified jobs and attraction of investment.