Board of the General Assembly, for the 2022-2025 triennium

President: National Federation of Fruit and Vegetable Producers’ Organizations (FNOP), represented by the President of the Board Domingos Joaquim Filipe dos Santos.
First Secretary: Alentejo’s Center of Agricultural and Agri-Food Biotechnology (CEBAL), represented by the Executive Director Executiva Fátima Duarte.
Second Secretary: FERTIPRADO – Seeds and Nutrients, Lda., represented by Manager Pedro Viterbo.

Board of Directors, for the 2022-2025 triennium

President: Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNOVA), represented by Margarida Oliveira
Vice-President: National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research, IP (INIAV), represented by Benvindo Maçãs.
National Association of Maize and Sorghum Producers (ANPROMIS), represented by the Secretary-General, Tiago Vieira da Rocha da Silva Pinto.
National Association of Proteaginous, Oleaginous and Cereals Producers (ANPOC), represented by the President of the Board José Pereira Palha.
Casa do Arroz – Interprofessional Association of Rice, represented by the Chairman of the Board Pedro Alexandre Pereira da Silva Monteiro.
Bayer Cropscience Portugal – Produtos para Agricultura, Lda., represented by the Director of Agronomic Operations for the Western Mediterranean Jorge Manuel Nunes da Fonseca Silva.
Syngenta Crop Protection – Soluções para Agricultura, Lda., represented by the Head of Regulation and Corporate Sustainability for Portugal, Felisbela Torres de Campos.

Statutory Auditor, for the 2022-2025 period

Isabel Paiva, Miguel Galvão & Associados, SROC, Lda., represented by Nuno Miguel da Costa Tavares (ROC No. 1582 and registered as an Auditor at CMVM under No. 20161192).

Advisory Council, for the 2022-2025 triennium

Ana Paula Carvalho
José Maria Rasquilha
António Sevinate Pinto
Carmo Martins
Eduardo Correia Diniz
Fernando Carpinteiro Albino
João Cardoso
João Silveira Lobo
António Serrano
António de Brito
Manuel Patanita
Manuel Teixeira Carrondo
Maria Gabriela Cruz
Maria de Lurdes Inácio
Patrícia Fonseca

Executive Director (CEO), for the 2022-2025 triennium

Pedro Fevereiro