Picture of Jordana Branco


Investigadora (MSc)
Jordana Branco

MSc researcher, New Biopesticides

Master degree in Conservation Biology, University of Évora

Areas of expertise:

Molecular Biology; Bacterial Cultures Maintenance; Gene Silencing via RNA interference (RNAi); Establishment and maintenance of in vitro hairy roots cultures

Morphological and molecular identification of migratory endoparasitic nematodes; Culture and maintenance of plant-parasitic nematodes

Previous positions:

Research fellow at University of Évora

Research fellow at Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, FCUL

2 scientific publications; h-index (Scopus): 2

Two relevant publications:

Vieira, P., Vicente, C.S.L., Branco, J., Buchan, G., Mota, M. and Nemchinov, L.G. (2021) The root lesion nematode effector Ppen10370 is essential for parasitism of Pratylenchus penetrans. MPMI. Advance online publication.

Avó, A. P., Daniell, T. J., Neilson, R., Oliveira, S., Branco, J. and Adão, H. (2017). DNA Barcoding and Morphological Identification of Benthic Nematodes Assemblages of Estuarine Intertidal Sediments: Advances in Molecular Tools for Biodiversity Assessment. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:66.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00066